Units that are damaged, subsequent to their receipt, and/or are worn beyond repair, shall be destroyed. 6.3 Units that are damaged or weakened from any cause shall not be used until repairs are completed. Loose bolts, nuts, or connections shall be tightened. Under Section 6.0, Care and Use, it specifies: 6.2 Each unit shall be inspected upon receipt for damage incurred during shipping and prior to each period of use for any sustained damage, such as unusual wear, deterioration or corrosion. Instance b) Follow the recommendations provided by the manufacturer and by ANSI-ASC A14.7 - 2006 American National Standard for Mobile Stands and Mobile Ladder Stand Platforms. The user shall not attempt to repair a defective side rail. Broken or bent ladders shall be marked and taken out of service until they are repaired by a competent mechanic or destroyed in such a manner as to render them useless. Where structural damage or other hazardous defect is found, the ladder shall be taken out of service and either discarded or repaired by a competent mechanic. Working parts and rungstep-to-side rail connections shall be checked.

The ladder shall be inspected periodically, preferably before each use. A thorough ladder inspection shall be made when the ladder is originally purchased, received, and put into service. Under Section 9.0, Care and Use, it specifies: 9.4.1 Inspection. Among other methods, one feasible and acceptable means of abatement is to follow the recommendations provided by the manufacturer and by ANSI-ASC A14.5- 2007 American National Standard for Ladders - Reinforced Plastic - Safety Requirements. This documentation may include, but is not limited to, evidence of the purchase or repair of the equipment, photographic or video evidence of abatement, or other written records. 19(d), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET), and in addition, documentation demonstrating that abatement is complete must be included with your certification. The mobile ladder stand was not removed from service until repaired, or was not discarded to prevent exposure to fall hazards.

The left and right vertical components were left disconnected. A horizontal bar situated above the top stand was cut and removed. Horizontal structural components exhibited holes caused by corrosion. It had been struck and the tubular vertical components were bent. The mobile ladder stand presented visible signs of deterioration. yellow mobile ladder stand to reach elevated parts of equipment during repairs/maintenance. c) Plant - On or about 12/10/15 and at times prior thereto employees utilized a 6.0 ft. The ladder was not removed from service until repaired, or was not discarded to prevent exposure to fall hazards. Rivets on structural components connecting the rungs to the vertical rails were missing. An anti-slip rubber pad in the articulated foot was missing. The ladder presented visible signs of deterioration, including cracks running along the top part of the external rails (vertical components). Cuprum reinforced plastic extensible ladder Model 534 (Made in Mexico) to climb on top of the trailer collecting inedible material. b) Plant - On or about 12/10/15 and at times prior thereto employees utilized a 12.0 ft. The employer failed to establish an effective ladder safety program based on hazard recognition, training, supervisory surveillance, inspection of ladders, and disciplinary measures to prevent falls from a 12.0 ft. Cuprum reinforced plastic extension ladder Model 534 (Made in Mexico) to climb on top of a trailer collecting inedible material.

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OSH ACT of 1970 Section (5)(a)(1): The employer did not furnish employment and a place of employment which were free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees, in that employees were exposed to fall hazards: a) Plant - On or about 12/10/15 and at times prior thereto employees utilized an 12.0 ft.